Friday, August 23, 2013

When I Reflect About My Collegial, Professional Learning

When I made the decision to do an on-line Master's program I was a bit skeptical about the depth of learning that I would be able to grasp.  I have been amazed over and over again throughout this program.  My classmates have been extremely supportive and I have learned so much from them I will forever be indebted to each of you for forcing me to grow as a professional.  So the first consequence of my experience is being amazed at the depth of learning I have experienced.  The second consequence is that it has caused me to think consider the possibility of continuing down my educational journey and seeking doctoral degree.  I really never had considered it until now.  I have grown to love the interactions between classmates and look forward to hearing the various perspectives on similar topics.  The third consequence is the transformation within myself regarding my comfort level in advocating for comprehensive early childhood system.  I felt coming into this class that I had a foundational knowledge, but I feel fully equipped to go to Capital Hill and testify about the importance of comprehensive early childhood systems. 

My goal is connected to my last consequence because my goal is to go to Washington, DC and testify in some type of hearing on child care issues about the importance of comprehensive early childhood systems for ALL children.  This program is equipping me to meet my ultimate of goal of possibly getting a change to work in DC as an early childhood public policy specialist.
I want to thank all of my classmates for your part in my education journey and thank you so much for pushing to think about things differently.  The experience has been priceless!!


  1. Jill,

    I have enjoyed reading your comments throughout this course. I have learned a lot from you and you have made me think about how I can use my voice to advocate for children.

  2. Jill, I believe that you have made the right decision to continue your education further. I wish you the best in your career choice, I know that you are equipped to go in any direction of your choice, and you will do well in touching the lives of the people following in your path. Good Luck.......

  3. I think it is amazing you want to further your education and possibly pursue your doctoral degree. The funny thing is that I have been having similar thoughts. I never through I would want to get my doctoral degree, now I am finding myself exploring programs. Good luck with your degree and everything!

  4. Jill,
    You have an amazing goal!! I truly support you in every way to achieve this. I am excited for you that you feel this confident from your studies at Walden and have the motivation to keep going. I wish you the best of luck on your future journeys.
