Saturday, September 7, 2013

EDUC 6766 Week 1 Blog Post

I am excited to begin this class and learn more about how to be an effective early childhood advocate.  I have been waiting for the specialization classes of this program since I started and it is amazing that I am just two classes away from the end.  As I reflected on our last class I began to think about the possibility to beginning an doctoral program and it becoming more and more of a desire.  My passion has always been to be an effective early childhood advocate that creates policy that improves the quality of care for all children.  I look forward to learning with this great group of colleagues over the next eight weeks and then into our final capstone course.  I have learned so much for you all in the last course and I am looking forward to learning from you and with you in this course.

 The title of my blog is ECE Public Policy Fanatic so being able to put this new acquired knowledge into action is both exciting and a self-filling prophecy.  My desire is to truly be known as an effective ECE Public Policy expert.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe we are almost at the end of this program either. This has been an amazing journey and I have learned so much that I know will stay with me throughout my career.
    I can't wait to learn from your posts and experiences.
