Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Hypothetical Family Situtation

I have been married for four years and my husband is currently a full time student in college.  I work at the local Head Start agency.  We have two children.  Our youngest child has had severe ear infections that have caused deafness and speech problems.  Our socioeconomic status is well below the poverty line.  We receive food assistance from the Women, Infant and Child (WIC) food program; medicaid for health services, but we do not qualify for food stamps because my grandfather helped us to finance a new car so that we would have reliable transportation.  Our oldest daughter just started at the Head Start where I work since she has finally turned 3.  Our family situation has been impacted most due to the political contexts in Oklahoma around government funding.  English is our first language.  Our youngest deaf child has been in a variety of programs that are not equipped to meet her needs and they lack in overall quality as well.  Since we receive child care subsidy to assist with our child care bill our choices of quality care are limited especially since we are needing more specialized care for our daughter.

Due to the fact that we receive government support for our health needs the primary need we have currently is a comprehensive program that focuses on early learning and development for child with special needs. 

What are my gaps?

Does this situation seem realistic?

What help do you have for me?

1 comment:

  1. Jill,

    I selected deafness as well for my special needs situation. Great minds think alike, lol. As far as your hypothetical situation, have you thought about the types of services you will need at the different stages of your child's life?
