Sunday, June 9, 2013

Effective Communication

The conflict I had was at work with a co-worker that I have been friends with for a long time.  I am her supervisor and she was having issues with the fact that she felt that I was taking over some of her responsibility while out of the office attending her internship for her Master's degree.  There were lots of misunderstandings in this scenario, but the strategies that I chose to use were the 3R's and cooperative strategies because of our relationship we had the respect, but it was compromised due to the above mentioned conflict.

The two strategies that I integrated into my toolkit of effective communication is first keeping the 3R's respect, reciprocal, and responsive at the for front of all communications with others.  By utilizing the 3R's it will assist me in ensuring that I look at each person as an individual and avoiding stereotypes.  The other strategy is cooperative strategies.  Strategies that benefit the relationship, serve mutual rather than individual goals, and strive to produce solutions that benefit both parties are called cooperative strategies (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012).  These two strategies couple together again ensure that you are focusing on having a supportive climate for communication.  I was sitting in an ethic training session today and we talked about the importance of effective communication and focusing on the individuals needs and seeking common goals. 

O'- Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.


  1. Jill,
    Being the supervisor to a friend is very difficult.The level of maturity and respect has to be greater when the two have a friendship beyond the job. BUT, feel free to come take over my responsibilities at anytime. I promise NOT to complain. LOL. Thanks for sharing

  2. Jill,
    misunderstandings or miscommunication can often lead to a conflict in communication. I agree we should avoid sterotypes and try to consider other people's needs and feelings.
