Saturday, May 11, 2013

Competent Communicator

The person that I personally think is the greatest communicator in the modern day is Bill Clinton our 42nd President of the United States.  He is extremely articulate and has a tremendous vocabulary.  He is very posed every time he speaks.  He makes personal connections with the audience when  he speaks.  The part of Bill Clinton that I want to most emulate as a public speaker is the ability to connect with the audience while captivating them with an intellectual vocabulary.  I think he will be known in history as our greatest communicator as an American President.  One thing that always amazed me about former President Clinton was the fact that when he uses his hands to talk he never point out into the audience he has a special way of holding his hand so that he does not send the wrong non-verbal message.

This is his official picture as the 42nd President.  I think the Barack Obama would have to be the person that I think is the second best communicator in the modern day and he has some very similar skills to former President Clinton in that he is very articulate and makes personal connections with his audience.  I think the second term Barack Obama is much better at the personal connections than was the first term President Obama.


  1. Jill,
    I love your choices and agree both are very great commuicators. I think both show such a connection with people and seem ery sincere when they address an audience. don't emulate them too much they might want you to run for President!!!!
    Leslie Porter

  2. Very unexpected choices, but I must agree with you after thinking back on listening to both men speak. President Obama is just the epitome of all men, he is extremely poised and very articulate. He is also the most attractive man of power I have ever laid eyes on. LOVE THE PICTURE YOU POSTED!!!

  3. I totally agree with your choices. They possess great communication skills and they are passionate speakers. You made a good point about their connection with audience, because it is extremely important in the world of politics.
