Saturday, April 27, 2013

Professional Hopes and Goals

The one hope that I have for working with children and families of diverse backgrounds is that they feel welcomed and a part of the classroom.  My hope is that children would not have to ever feel like they are being discriminated against in any way because of their culture, religious beliefs, gender, or sexual orientation.  This is a lofty hope, but it is my hope for children and families.

The goal that I am setting for myself to take the information I have learned in this class and share it with others.  I have the opportunity in my work to influence teachers across the state of Oklahoma so I want to be sure to share the importance of social justice.  We all have the responsibility of helping educate the teachers of young children through our conversations, working with a co-worker in the break, or by designing trainings that help educate.

I would like to thank my colleagues in this class for helping me and pushing me to learn more.  Starting this class I felt like I knew the content and man I was surprised and shocked at the changed that has occurred within myself during this class.  I appreciate the great discussion board posts and blogs assignments because they have helped me to grow and learn more about this topic and myself.  I look forward to our continued journey. 


  1. Hi Jill

    It is great that you can carry over what you have learned in this class to your work place, helping others to grow together with you professionally. I believe you can be a good ally, standing up for children and families against inequities and oppressions. Wong

  2. Sharing the information we have learned in this class is the most basic form of activism. That is a great goal. Thank you for your posts.

  3. I think it is great that you plan to share the information that we have learned. I have enjoyed reading your posts. I think I will do the same.
