Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

The first national organization I selected is The National Women’s Law Center, and I chose them because they provide a plethora of resources for early childhood advocates.  They write fact sheets, resource pages and advocacy tool kits that cover the spectrum of early childhood including child care, Head Start and public school pre-kindergarten.  The National Women’s Law Center has a job currently open titled Outreach Associate—Education and Employment.  The Outreach Associate will work to implement creative field and communications strategies that promote opportunities for women and girls in school and at work, among other issues.  The job requirements for this position include  a bachelor’s degree, two years professional experience and strong writing skills.  These job requirements highlight some of the skills and education necessary to apply for this job.  The Early Childhood Studies Master’s program coupled with experience would meet the minimum requirements for this job.  The link for more information about this job is located at this link:


The second national organization selected for was CLASP policy solutions that work for low income people.  CLASP was selected for some of the same reasons The National Women’s Law Center were chosen because of the resources, position statements and research they conduct on early childhood issues from the perspective of supporting low income families.  High-quality child care and early education can build a strong foundation for young children's healthy development and ensure that children have all they need to thrive (CLASP, 2013).  This statement regarding high-quality child care is exactly in line with my personal feelings about my work.  Currently CLASP does not have any open positions; however, I selected Christine Johnson-Stab the Senior Policy Analyst, Child Care & Early Education.  She has a Master’s in public policy.  The Early Childhood Studies Master’s degree with a specialization in Public Policy and Advocacy should meet the job qualifications for the job of this nature.


The third national group selected is Children’s Defense Fund.  They are leader in early childhood policy.  Extensive research has shown that early childhood programs significantly increase a child’s chance of avoiding the prison pipeline (Children’s Defense Fund, 2012).  They provide early childhood advocates with tools, resources, research and publications that support early childhood across all sectors including child care, Head Start, and public school.  Additionally, they provide many public awareness campaigns that support early childhood.  At this time, Children’s Defense Fund does not have any early childhood related positions open.  Dr. Cathy Grace is the Director of Early Childhood Development Policy.  She has a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction.  I am not sure if this Master’s program would provide the education needed to work at Children’s Defense Fund, but it would provide a high foundational level of education for a person wanting to work there.





Children’s Defense Fund.  (2012). Early Childhood Education & Care.  Retrieved from

CLASP.  (2013).  Child Care & Early Learning.  Retrieved from

The National Women’s Law Center.  (2013). Child Care & Early Learning.  Retrieved from



  1. Jill, this is my second try. I wanted to let you know about an organization I found called the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning, CASEL. There website is
    They do a lot of work on policies and making changes to help children and families.

  2. Jill,
    I had an opportunity to explore the website of the National Women's Law center and I was amazed by the amount and quality of information available through this website. I remember reading about pregnancy rights, minimum wages, equal pay and many other topics women need to be familiar with. It is a great source of various information and I would recommend it to everyone.
