Saturday, November 9, 2013

Exploring Roles in ECE Community: Local and State Levels

The three organizations that appeal to me at the local or state level include Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA), Professional Collaboration Work group, and Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Revision Community of Practice.  I am interested in OICA because I believe in their mission and want to become more involved and hopefully utilize my graduate degree and evoke change in our state through effective advocacy.  I selected the Professional Collaboration Work group because this Community of Practice is going to be instrumental in providing a comprehensive data set for the great early childhood workforce.  Lastly, I selected the QRIS Revision Community of Practice because I feel that with the work that I currently conduct and the knowledge I have I will be a primary contributor to the improvement in our QRIS for the state of Oklahoma.

There are a couple of job opportunities that I found are very appealing to me personally. The first job is with Zero to Three for a Senior Head Start Technical Assistance Specialist.  With the completion of my Master's degree coupled with my other experiences this could possibly be a great fit for me as a potential new job.  The other position is with National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) it is a Project Manager position providing oversight to a new international grant providing training and technical assistance to the Middle East and North Africa.  The Zero to Three position is flexible for location of the job so I would be able to stay in Oklahoma while doing the work, but the NAEYC position would require relocation to Washington, DC.

The skills and experience descriptions for both of these jobs I fulfill the only component missing the Master's degree in Early Childhood and that will be completed by the end of this year.  The Zero to Three position is one that I will likely submit application for due to the fact that my degree will be finished by the end of this year.

The link for the job posting by Zero to Three
The link for the job posting by NAEYC 


  1. The three local organizations you chose truly reflect and represent your passion in the early childhood field. There is need to continue to advocate for better quality rating scale and the promotion of collaborative effort in the early childhood field even at the local level.

  2. Dear Jill,
    You have choosen three great community of practices. The Quaility Rating and Improvement System is a great way to collaborate with the local childcare center and help their services become high quality. I have not heard of the others but I am quite sure they will offer the collaborative information needed to get all the information needed to succeed.
