Thursday, October 10, 2013

Using Social Media to Get Connected

I am a social media junkie.  I have a Facebook account, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.  I think that Facebook and Twitter are the most effective for advocacy, but I can how LinkedIn could be used as an advocacy tool.

I am far more of an advocate on Twitter than I am on Facebook.  I live in a very conservative state and I am a liberal political person.  I have fewer friends on Twitter so I cause far less drama for myself than I do when I post advocacy efforts that I am passionate about sharing.  I post early childhood issues, women and children's issues and issues about poverty on Twitter almost daily.  I am an active tweeter.

I think both Facebook and Twitter are great ways to get information quickly and get it moving outward to the people.  I also subscribe to many newsletters that provide advocacy information to the field of early childhood.  I think social media allows us to be more connected and be more vocal about our passions than prior to social media.  It allows us to share content in real time as it is happening.  Everyone can be a contributor of information when social media is the vehicle of choice.

I use social media to share information that I am passionate about to others.  I hope that people re-tweet my information so that many more people are informed about issues that are meaningful to me.

The 4 C's of Social Media are content, collaboration, community and collective intelligence (Global Voices, 2009) and I think that these are critical themes when it comes to using social media as an advocacy tool.


Mishra, G. (Global Voices).  2009, May 11.  Digital activism & the 4cs social media framework.  Retrieved from:


  1. Jill,

    You use social media much more than I do. I love that you use Twitter to post up-to-date tweets about issues you are passionate about. The real time aspect of social media is a great tool for advocates.

    I would love to follow you on Twitter...would you be willing to share your Twitter name?

  2. Jill

    Its interesting that you prefer Twitter over Facebook. I find Twitter to be less personable.
    Thanks for sharing


  3. Jill,
    I too am a social media junkie. I check messages on all of the sites I am on consistently throughout the day because I don't want to miss anything, lol. It is amazing how much time I spend on those sites as I don't want much television or talk on the telephone. I love the fact that I can stay involved with so many people and can have them at my fingertips.

  4. I haven't branched out and tried twitter yet. I don't know why but Twitter intimates me. I like social media too and I see it as vital tool to get our message across. Good Post!

  5. Jill, I enjoyed reading your post, it appears that you are well connected with social media. Social media is a valuable tool to use during these times. It is the quickest way to get your messages to other people. Good post!

  6. Jill,
    I glean so much from you. You are fortunate enough to already be in the midst of important advocacy and policy making that affect children and their families. I think it is fascinating that you have actually gone before congress on important issues that affect our most vulnerable citizens. You seem to be very experienced in using all forms of social media. I am sure they will continue to be a valuable tool for your advocacy work in the future, as well. I am glad that I was finally able to access your blog, I was leaving off the "s" in your address. Thanks for the great information.
