Friday, October 4, 2013

Advocacy Messages

Reviewing the Ad Council's website was interesting and the public service announcement that first caught my eye was Book People Unite!  I love the video for the Book People Unite campaign.  The following is a link to the YouTube video

The other campaign that I thought was very good was "The Breath Easies".  The videos as well as the pictures were very eye catching for children and families with a valuable message. 
I also think that families learning to recycle is a great way to show that you care about our planet.  I love this poster from the Ad Council on recycling.  The poster is subtle and informative.  I love it!


  1. Hi

    I really like the recycle advocacy message.

    Thanks for sharing

  2. Hi Jill,
    I was also interested by the breathe easies although I didn't find that awesome poster you did. I saw a different one and was mildly attracted to the idea. The one you found is much more colorful and more attractive. I liked the idea of the bottle being a bench as well. I watched the little video they had on the website, but found it a little cheesey:) Thanks for sharing the link to the book people. I'll be sure to check them out.

  3. Jill,
    Great selection of ads. I am pulled into the recycling ad because of the image. The wording is also simple yet clear. I think its great.

  4. Jill, I enjoyed reading your posing on "The Breathe Easies” and I Want to be a bench, Recycle Me”. Both ads were interesting.
