Monday, July 1, 2013

What Resonates with you about Early Childhood Public Policy and Advocacy?

Part 1:

I chose the Early Childhood Public Policy and Advocacy specialization because I believe that early childhood is an extremely political field.  When I first selected early childhood as my career I was unaware of that it was such a political field.  All the way back to high school I had aspirations of working in Washington, DC as a Senator or Representative.  I have always gravitated towards politics so it just made sense when I realize that early childhood was so political that I became very engaged in that side of early childhood.  I have served as the Early Childhood Association of Oklahoma, Oklahoma affiliate for National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) as the public policy chairperson for many years.  During the time I served in that role I began attending the NAEYC Policy Institute typically in March of every year.  It was during that time I began to mold my statement of how quality early childhood programs are needed for all children and families.  Additionally, when we have high quality programs children, families and society all benefit and it makes good economic sense to invest in the early years.

Part 2:

The reason it is essential that early childhood professional become advocates is simply because this is a polictial field if we do not inform policymakers someone else will and they might not share the message that we know is best for children and families.  We have the knowledge of the importance of high quality early childhood education and we need to use that knowledge to assist policymakers so that children come first.  The reason we need to be skilled and confident is because we have to be able to stay on track often when speaking with policymakers they work to move you toward their agenda and away from you own so you have be confident enough to keep bringing the topic back to the agenda best for children and families.

Part 3:

The three goals that I hope to gain is as follows:  First, I want to become more skilled at how to analyze data and write briefs that will impact policy.  Second, I want to become more skilled at synthesizing information that shows the impact of early childhood systems.  Lastly, I want to become more skilled at evaluating components of an early childhood system.


  1. Jill,

    After reading your post, I am more excited about taking this first class in my area of specialty. You seem very clear and focused about your desire to become an advocate. I hope to gain this type of clarity as well. Your blog will definitely be one I follow.


  2. Jill,
    How did you go about taking on the role you did serving as an affiliate for the NAEYC? That sounds like something I would be interested in looking into more. I love the confidence you have in knowing you want to be a part of the political arena. I hope through this course I can gain more confidence when it comes to the political side of advocacy.

  3. I agree with you when that this field is very political. I feel the field needs more advocates that will work hard and speak loudly for the field. I hope you achieve your goals

  4. Hi Jill,
    I commend you in the work you have already done in this field. It is not often I find people who are passionate about early childhood education and public policy. Sadly, I think that Washington is so corrupt that you have to learn how to play the game well, rather than have the best ideas or intentions. I don't know if I am cut out for that so I certainly wish you the best as you move toward your goals.
