Saturday, December 15, 2012

Getting to Know Your International Contacts--Part 3

My contact Dominique Eustace from Trinidad and Tobago provided the following responses to our questions of the week.  He provided me a response on Thursday of this week on his last day before leaving for the Christmas Holiday.

1.      What issues regarding quality and early childhood professionals are being discussed where you live and work?

·         The link between good training and quality practice in ECCE.

·         The development of quality early childhood environments (building new schools that meet the needs of all children)


2.      What opportunities and/or requirements for professional development exist?

·         UWI

o   Bachelor of Education (B.E.D.) – Early Childhood Care and Education

o   Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Development

o   Postgraduate Diploma in Education

o   MEd (with concentration in Curriculum)

o   MPhil and PhD degrees in Education

·         SERVOL

o   Skill Training Programme in Day Care/Pre School

o   SERVOL built a Regional Training and Resource Centre to train teachers, field officers and administrators for an expanded Early Child Care and Education (ECCE) Programme.

·         UWI-FDCRC

o   Early Childhood Care and Development Programme

·         UWI - Open campus

o   Certificate & Diploma Early Childhood Development and Family Studies

o   BEd Early Childhood Development and Family Studies

o   BEd Educational Leadership & Management

o   Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education – Teacher

o   Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education - Administrator

o   Certificate in Child Care

·         Caribbean Nazarene College

o   School Education with emphasis in Early Childhood Care and Education

3.      What are some of your professional goals?

·         To develop a professional cadre of early childhood practitioners

·         To create new curricula for the Caribbean that speaks to our culture and national and regional goals

·         To create a site that would allow for the development of a statistical unit for the Caribbean region


4.      What are some of your professional hopes, dreams, and challenges?

·         To assist in the professional development of our staff at the UWI-FDCRC

·         Sourcing funding

·         Not having timely and adequate data across the region to assist current research

1 comment:

  1. The professional cadre of early childhood practitioners as well as the new curricula for the Caribbean that speaks to their culture and natural and regional goals is very much so needed.
