Saturday, December 1, 2012

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 2

Excellence and Equity in ECCE in Trinidad and Tobago
I learned so much from my newest contact this week Dominique Eustace with the Ministry of Education in Trinidad and Tobago.  Regarding equity Dominique reported that the Ministry of Education recognizes that universal access to early childhood care and education (ECCE) holds the key to equity in the education system as more young children are better prepared to benefit from formal schooling.  The Ministry has implemented a comprehensive plan that expands access and ensures the provision of high quality early childhood education and services in quality facilities designed, built and administered to international standards.  He went on to state that there are approximately 1,154 early childhood centers in Trinidad and Tobago, 750 of which are registered with the Ministry of Education.  The current Ministry of Education has highlighted the importance of building a partnership with private institutions in achieving Universal ECCE by 2015.
With regard to excellence Dominique reported that quality care and education hold the key to transforming children into healthy adults.  The National ECCE Centre Survey conducted during 2004-2005 found that many ECCE centers operate under unsatisfactory conditions both in terms of physical facilities and the teaching and learning experiences.  The survey also found that the qualifications of the majority of EC teachers were below the new standards set by the Ministry of Education in keeping with international requirements.  As part of the Vision 2020 agenda, the government embarked on a mission to put new policies in place to ensure quality standards in all early childhood environments.  One such mandated policy requires upgrades in the qualification of EC teachers and administrators.  In doing this teachers were provided materials needed for effective teaching.
Some of my follow up questions for Dominique are to find out exactly what these new mandated qualifications are for teachers and directors.  What kind of training they are providing for the teachers to help them become more effective.  I was amazed at the amount of information he provided me with just one simple question.  Additionally, I am beginning to see Dominique and Patrick as true colleagues and will use these contacts in my work and I am fortunate that this class forced me to step out of my comfort zone and reach out to international partners. 
Eustace (personal communication, November 29, 2012) excellence and equity in ECCE in Trinidad and Tobago.


  1. Hi Jill, I enjoyed your post. I am somewhat familiar with the Vision 2020 plan from my undergraduate studies. I enjoyed reading about it's progress. I look forward to reading your follow up post.

  2. Very informative post. Interested in finding out the answer to what are the new mandated qualifications for teachers and directors.

  3. Jill,
    Oh my gosh that is so interesting!! If I dont hear from my contact this week I might try to find another! I am really interested in the program being universal and also the work they did with the teachers! I look forward to reading additional post.
    Leslie Porter
