Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

The Organization I chose to learn more about is Child Care Aware® of America.  The focus of this organization is be our nations leading voice for child care.  They work with local and state Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies to ensure that families have access to quality and affordable child care.  They also are leaders in developing and advocating for child care policies.  The website is as follows:

In the public policy section of thier website they provide information for advocates on the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) as well as develop a policy agenda.  They have an action center and your can sign up for their weekly newsletter titled, "Capitol Connection:  Weekly Update!".  They also provide training for child advocates and host a national policy conference each year in the spring.

In this weeks Capitol Connection they provided resouces for parents and professional regarding recovery and relief from Hurricane Sandy.  The provided information on Voting for Children and Families and how to locate your polling place.  They were also utilizing social media by providing updates for both Twitter and Facebook that stated "I Voted for Children and Families".  Additionally, they provided information about Race to the Top District Application deadline extensions.  Each week they host a lunch & learn webinar to provide training for early childhood advocates.  This weeks lunch & learn was titled, "The New Face of Hill".  This webinar is on Thursday and I am planning on attending.  I will keep you posted!


  1. Hello Jill

    I am really happy when i see organization and groups that exist just to ensure that the EC field continues to thrive better.

    I long for such regulatory bodies in my domain.

    thank you for sharing

  2. Jill, I also selected the Child Awareness of America website to subscribe to. I am really interested in their position on afforable health care and, focused my attention on that area of the website. However, after reading your post I am going to try to attend the webinar as public policy is not one of my areas of expertise.

  3. Great web site looks like a lot of people chose this great web site

  4. Great organization Jill. Although I chose a different one, I must say that reading your post I may research this in my spare time, if I ever have any, lol.
