Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Note of Thanks and Support

Dear Colleagues,

I has been a wonderful experience getting to know you all over our blogging.  I was very nervous about blogging and you all made it very fun and easy.  I appreciate your support and wish you all continued support with your blog.  I am hopeful that we will be in additional classes together, but I will stay connected to your blogs because you all will always have a special place in my professional journey as my group that helped me get started.  Getting started with anything is always the hardest and I thank you all for your support of me during this class.



  1. Jill,
    Thank YOU for being one of my first colleagues on the journey to my Masters degree! I have enjoyed your blog and, like you, it was brand new to me but being in it together with our group has made it not only easier, but also most pleasurable! I hope to "see" you in future classes as we forge ahead! Thank you again! Marie

  2. Dear Jill,
    Thank you so much for your insights into the early childhood field. I have never kept up to date on policy issues, even though I know I should; they directly impact my position and the children with whom I work. However, it was really informative to read your blog. You have inspired me to pay more attention to the public policy and you have certainly provided me with the resources to stay current with what is going on in that area. I hope that you do reach your goal of one day working in Washington, D.C. When you get here, look me up. I am only about 30 minutes outside of D.C. Good luck in the future.
    Thank you,

  3. Jill, thanks so much for the insights on the discussion board. I have gained a lot of knowledge form you and other colleagues, all of you have years of experience in this filed and I am so glad to be working with so many knowledgeable classmates. I hope and pray God take us all on through to get this masters degree, may God bless and keep you.
    Thanks again,


  4. Jill, thank you so much for all your input with your blog and the discussion forum. It is very fulfilling to have people in the early childhood development field who can share their wisdom and expertise. Thank you and I hope your future courses are rewarding to you.
    Teresa Harris

  5. Hello Jill,
    Since you shared your enmeshed life story with your sisters, I feel a different connection with you; a connection that carries beyond the virtual world of our studies. Your children are lucky to have a mother with such a perspective on family dynamics, especially regarding siblings. Truly, I am blessed to have two wonderful sisters, and even if we are scattered on three continents between Europe, Africa, and North America, the feeling that someone is there for you no matter what is indescribable. As my sisters and I have had our moments, I know that friendship ties can be as strong as blood ties.
    I am thrilled that Brenda, you, and I are in the next class.
    Let’s resume talking soon!

  6. Jill,

    It has been and adventurous eight weeks getting to know you. We seem to have a connection in various ways and I hope that we can continue to learn and grown throughout our program. It has been a pleasure learning with and from you. I am now inspired to look into public policy and advocacy and help share my voice. I look forward to working with you through our program.

    Take Care, Melanie
