Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Personal Research Journey

The topic I have chosen for my research simulation is what level of professional development is necessary to reach optimal quality for young children?  I chose this research because I have committed my professional career to supporting quality child care and believing that if children attend high quality programs that it benefits their learning.  I personally believe that there are many layers of criteria that make up a high quality program and they include the teacher qualifications and continued professional development, the supports for the child care system, the environment, the leadership and management practices of the facility and the commitment to family partnerships.  However, I believe the one of the single most important factors is finding the right fit for the classroom with children.  I personally think it is a combination of education and passion, which is what makes answering this question so difficult.  There have been many researchers that have tackled this topic and as a field we still don't have the magic answer.  I just hope that through this process I can add the existing body of knowledge.
The Understanding Research Chart is helping us break it down to more manageable steps.  I am looking forward to any advice you all have on my topic or the process.  This research simulation feels like I am attempting to learn a new language and I feel completely lost.  Even though in my job I am a consumer of research beginning to simulate research is very scary and overwhelming.  I am feeling very inadequate about my ability thus far in this class.  I feel that our textbook Doing Early Childhood Research is very helpful as a resource.    I look forward to learning if you all suggest any additional resources that will make this process more palatable.


  1. Hi Jill

    What you have said is very right that both knowledge and passion are important for being a quality early childhood teacher. Being educated is not enough, it needs the zeal and compassion to do a good job in educating and caring young children. Wong

    1. Wong,

      Do you have any ideas on how to measure the zeal? I think that is one of the factors that get missed in the research about teacher qualifications because you can't measure zeal.

      One thing that keeps coming to mind is the possibility of doing a triangulation study with quantitative research to measure the levels of education compared to quality in the classroom, but then go in a do interviews to try to get at the zeal with some quantitative research. What do you think?


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with you that our text book is very helpful. I have read it and read it and read it just want to make sure I follow the steps of research which is a tool!

      I believe you have the ability to do the research. What we feel, so the struggle is that we still can not finish our assignments as we expected. Do not feel any inadequate about your ability in this class. We just need more time to be able to finish the work.

      Your topic is very helpful to the professional development. I am expected the benefit from your research!

  3. Jill, I agree with you that it is difficult to state the optimal
    level of a teacher's professional development. As teachers, we will never stop learning and developing, because our student's characteristics change from time to time. Certain strategy may not be applicable anymore to the children in the next ten years, for example. Thus, a passion and commitment are very important for any teacher to have in order to keep balancing his or her professionalism with the need in the field.
