Sunday, February 10, 2013

Research Around the World

            Reviewing the following site:  Early Childhood Australia: This is the Australian equivalent to the U.S. based NAEYC. You can access several links to early childhood research from the menu on the left side of the home page  Gave me some great insight to the research in action they are conducting there to support the early childhood workforce.  Some of the topics of interest are as follows:  reflection as a tool for quality, early years frameworks, assessment, diversity, childhood resilience, portfolios, the Code of Ethics, active learners, aggression in young children and storytelling just to list a few. 

            The most interesting part of exploring this site is that it seemed as if I was simply exploring NAEYC’s site.  The topics of research in action are very similar to the research in action topics we would explore in the United States.  Reviewing the Code of Ethics was very similar to reviewing the Code of Ethics we follow.

            The information that I found noteworthy was some of their research in action articles.  They have two that I am going to utilize in my research study because they are about the teachers and their impact on the quality for young children.  I was very interested in them and was able to download one for free, but I am purchasing the other so that I can begin to see the differences or similarities of teacher education and quality of care for children within the United States and Australia.

            This assignment was very interesting and productive because I was able to locate some additional literature to support my research simulation.



Early Childhood Australia.  (2012, December 17).  Research in practice series.  Retrieved from